The Center for Public Interest Reporting is a funding organization and news distribution agency for public interest journalism.

We work with a network of veteran reporters and editors to produce new stories that foster public discussion and debate, promote public accountability in government, and strengthen democracy by drawing upon a wide variety of sources, including skeptical voices too often excluded from civic dialogue.

We support watchdog journalism regarding environmental, economic, governmental, public health, law enforcement, and social justice issues.

We offer financial support to journalists ranging from pilot grants for preliminary research prior to writing a story proposal to long-term funding for investigative projects lasting months.

The work of journalists supported by CPIR has appeared in local, national and international news media.



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This portal is for the use of CPIR staff and grant recipients. New grant recipients will receive login credentials in their award packages.

Upon login, all users should be sure to check the “What’s New” section for practical tips on using the portal.


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